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TU Delft Impact Contest

Strela Instruments (Top 30)

Strela Instruments (Top 30)

The mission is to build the SpaceX for weather balloons - saving meteorological agencies millions of euros and making the Earth greener along the way.

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Project STRYM (Top 30)

Project STRYM (Top 30)

Our mission is to enable people and businesses of all sizes to offset their emissions and restore oceanic ecosystems in the most easy and comprehensible way. We want to guarantee responsible compensations of emission that show real results!

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FindItOut (Top 30)

FindItOut (Top 30)

Empowering operators with intelligent systems to revolutionize manufacturing processes through a novel blend of human expertise and smart technology

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LogiCarbon (Top 30)

LogiCarbon (Top 30)

CO2 Hubs: Uniting Small Emitters for a Greener Tomorrow

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Compressor Accelerator

Compressor Accelerator

Accelerate the compressor design processes and its technical development to boost the industrial development.

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Volante (Top 30)

Volante (Top 30)

Developing in-space manufacturing processes to enhance life on Earth.

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Revolutionize the aerospace industry by embracing sustainability with our innovative approach - shift from manufacturing carbon fiber to utilizing the carbon footprint. By adopting this eco-friendly strategy, aerospace companies can significantly reduce pollution, ensuring a more sustainable and environmentally conscious production of aerospace products."

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Provide injury-safe, customized, sustainable climbing shoes to everyone.

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VersaTile (Top 30)

VersaTile (Top 30)

Take Your Footsteps To The Next Level Solution Ready. Set. Walk

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Zoekey (Top 30)

Zoekey (Top 30)

Make your bike searches as breezy as your rides. No more endless searching; when you are (Zoek)ing for your bike, Zoekey has your back!

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