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FindItOut (Top 30)

FindItOut (Top 30)
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Duco Lindhout
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FindItOut (Top 30)


FindItOut harnesses AI to unlock the power of tacit knowledge from experienced operators, thereby streamlining processes in the manufacturing industry.

The challenge

Experienced operators in for example manufacturing plants possess valuable knowledge on processes. What if we could leverage this tacit information, which is normally difficult or even impossible to reach, to improve processes and make them more efficient, resulting in reduced waste material and improved product quality?

The solution

The AI technology behind FindItOut allows for the collection of this tacit knowledge. Through the special combination of both quantitative and qualitative data, process knowledge within the manufacturing industry can be extracted. By analyzing the combination of this data and presenting it in a dashboard, plant managers gain a better understanding of the processes in the plant. Knowledge gaps are better identifiable and differences between shifts become apparent, ultimately leading to increased operational efficiency, reduced downtime and higher overall performance.

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